Call us : 8655 559 914  
Organization Register No. F-38689 (Mumbai) ISO 9001:2015 Organization

Volunteering Opportunities

You can help us by volunteering for Akshara, You can donate your knowledge, and skills which field you are an expert in, for example, if you are in the medical profession you may help us in conducting medical camps in tribal area or if you are in the education field professor you can conduct sessions regarding career guidance or the topic in which you are specialized in.

If you are a blogger, write about Akshara in your blog and let people know that you support the cause. You can also write what you feel about Akshara and the cause we work for.

People across the globe are helping us raise this fund in their own small ways. Register yourself as an online fundraising volunteer. Fund raised will go to providing educational facilities for the school children.

Social Media Volunteer Opportunities

You can become a social media volunteer for Akshara depending on which Social Media site, you are most active for a noble cause. You can-

  • Become our fan on Facebook and regularly like our post and share with your friends.
  • Tweet and re-tweet about us on Twitter
  • Share our YouTube video
We welcome suggestions from your side

Besides the above-given options, if you feel you can support Akshara in some other way being in line with the objective of the organization, we would like to hear from you.

For all your queries Mail to:

+91 8655 559 914