Call us : 8655 559 914  
Organization Register No. F-38689 (Mumbai) ISO 9001:2015 Organization

Our Vision

To work and care for the underpriviledged, vulnerable and unheard and improve their way of life and in a small, very minute way- help heal India.

Mission 2025

We plan to cover a minimum of 100 schools in and around rural Maharashtra and convert of 25 schools to Digital Education Institution. And we want to save the lives of 100 children who cannot get treatment due to lack of money.

Our Mission

Akshara envisions a future with women leaders, knowledge driven youth, work-oriented and happy citizens with no caste or income disparity, working collectively for themselves and for others in an effort to make India a better place to live in, for everyone.

Our battle is against poverty, disparity, hunger, and isolation for those who are miserable, unheard and without hope. And what we have conquered till now counts for just a drop in the ocean. Its deep waters and we plan to go deeper still.