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Organization Register No. F-38689 (Mumbai) ISO 9001:2015 Organization

Skill Development

Akshara Samajik Prathisthan in association WeSkill, is running Women Skill Development Program which is line with National and Maharashtra State Government’s skill development initiative.

The programs are conducted as per the guidelines prescribed under the Skill Development Initiative Scheme (SDIS) and Modular Employable Skills (MES). The program is targeted to all segments of women above 18+ years, who have minimum qualification to participate in the course.

The training programs are targeted towards accommodating and encouraging women to opt for skill development and make them either employable or start their own small scale business. The programs are oriented towards enhancing soft skills, entrepreneurship, financial and digital literacy amongst women.

Highlights of the Program

  • Capacity Building Training
  • Self Help Group Concept Training
  • Leadership Development training
  • Soft skills development
  • Financial and digital literacy training
  • Experienced Mentors
  • Employment opportunities
  • Tie-up with Recruitment agencies.