Call us : 8655 559 914  
Organization Register No. F-38689 (Mumbai) ISO 9001:2015 Organization

Our Milestones

  • Akshara reached to around 23000 students from 90-100 schools in all over Maharashtra

  • "Akshara Woman Skill Devlopment" Program started for needy woman in all over Maharastra

  • Currently working with 50 schools with around 15000 students in all over Maharashtra

  • Akshara Started " Akshara Medical Support " Program with H.N Reliance Hospital & HCG Manavata Cancer Centre Hospital ,Nashik

  • Successful in getting 85% to 90% attendance in all School.

  • Akshara Strarted " Akshara Digital School" Program with 2 , Z.P schools

  • 10 Z.p School & 623 Students

  • 9 Z.P School & 540 Students

  • 7 Z.P School & 350 Students

  • 5 Z.P School & 225 Students

  • 3 Z.P School & 165 Students

  • "Akshara Education Support" Program started work with 1 , Z.P School & 50 Students .in Triable area.